• Supervisory Board
  • Risk management
  • Insider administration
  • Audit
  • Internal audit
  • Remuneration
  • VR City Traffic
  • Properties
  • Conductor
  • For the investor
  • Cleanliness and pleasant atmosphere are part of the travel experience

    Making trains and stations cleaner and more pleasant is part of VR Group's environmental promises.

    The aim is that at least 85 per cent of the customers are satisfied with the level of cleanliness on trains and at stations. In 2014, the figure was 82 per cent.

    New rolling stock also means cleaner trains and a more pleasant atmosphere. The blue passenger cars, which are equipped with hopper toilets, are becoming rarer and the last will be withdrawn from service by the year 2020. All trains are thoroughly cleaned at the depots every day. At stations, train toilets are cleaned and litter removed as permitted by the turnaround times.

    Cleaning of properties and rolling stock was put out to competitive tender during the review period and as a result, the number of cleaning service providers decreased from four to two. As part of the competitive tendering, it was agreed that the parties would work to improve the measurement and monitoring of cleaning quality.

    Cleanliness and tidiness are important from the perspective of occupational safety at VR Group's workshops, depots, work sites and terminals. In a clean and tidy working environment, the work can be carried out efficiently and in a safe manner. Cleanliness is also a theme in the work aimed at improving and maintaining quality, such as the 'Sujuva'(smooth) quality improvement programme of rolling stock maintenance.

    The stations and the areas adjacent to them, such as car parks, are owned by a large number of different parties, which makes overall organization more difficult. The stations and the areas adjacent to them belong to VR Group, the Finnish Transport Agency and municipalities. The platform areas intended for passengers are the responsibility of the Finnish Transport Agency.

    Green corporate image visible on trains and at the Helsinki Central Railway Station

    The green VR logo serves as the common symbol for the brands of VR Group. VR can point at environmental friendliness as its strength. We highlight this with our green corporate image, which started appearing on locomotives and passenger cars in 2010.

    The Magic Garden was displayed at the Helsinki Central between May and August for the third time. In a design competition, horticultural students were asked to create a garden with Finnishness as the theme. The 'Neljä vuodenaikaa' (Four Seasons), the entry of the students of the Livia College at Piikkiö won the competition. In it, the plants were arranged as groups around seasons.